Dentist Attacked on Facebook…What Would You Do?

According to a recent article from, an angry parent in Southern California reportedly took to Facebook in order to publicly attack a dentist responsible for removing a 5-year-old boy’s tooth.

In the article you can read here, the Facebook Groups page entitled, “I Hate Dr. Dove of Bakersfield” attracted more than 200 members in its first 48 hours.

How many ‘members’ did the dentist in question have on his practice Facebook page?

Did the dentist in question have an online review management strategy in place prior to this unfortunate happenstance?

Does the doctor in question even have any idea what his online dental practice reputation management profile looks like?

Enough questions, everyone is looking for answers right…well, take a number and get in line. Hopefully this doesn’t escalate into another Yelp case or even approach the litigious spectrum of legal resolution.

“I think my reputation will be hurt a little bit.”
— Edward Dove, DDS (source:


The dentist now under extreme magnification would have been a lot better off if he had a plan in place for this sort of thing, and more importantly had the social media clout to combat it – however quietly or pronounced that may be.

That’s the obvious conclusion we can make at this juncture.

One interesting takeaway grasped was how the person responsible for initiating the public attack was unavailable for comment, but the dentist in question stood behind his work.

We’re not taking sides here, we’re not dentists, we weren’t there, and we don’t need the attention.

Where do all these people find the time to comment on the Facebook Page, why are they so passionate in their views, what does all the chatter amount to…who knows…

“Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die.”

Instead, we’ll concentrate on employing effective online dental practice reputation management tools to limit the impact of this kind of thing, and more importantly, to automatically syndicate and amplify the positive chatter already going on about your practice…probably without your knowledge!

Why is that such a novel concept these days, standing behind your work?